Recently there was a nice article on the Planet PostgreSQL feed on Postgres’ parallel query capabilities and the pertinent tuning parameters. All good and logical, the main settings and considerations were highlighted…but then I suddenly remembered that there’s one more parallelism relevant parameter that for some reason is mostly always overlooked - “parallel_leader_participation”. Has this poor parameter lived in the shadows for some good reason? No idea. Time for an experiment…

TLDR; You should actually look into disabling parallel_leader_participation if you’re working with larger out-of-cache datasets, have plenty of cores and especially when the tables are partitioned.

parallel_leader_participation - a known unknown

Postgres docs state what it does on high level of course:

Allows the leader process to execute the query plan under Gather and Gather Merge nodes
instead of waiting for worker processes. The default is on. Setting this value to off
reduces the likelihood that workers will become blocked because the leader is not reading
tuples fast enough, but requires the leader process to wait for worker processes to start
up before the first tuples can be produced. The degree to which the leader can help or
hinder performance depends on the plan type, number of workers and query duration.

which though in general leaves an “it depends” impression - so let’s try to test at least once common use case - full table scan analytics.

Test setup

Obviously to parallel settings start to matter only when we have quite some CPUs and data at our hands - so needed to ditch my beloved old 4 core test server collecting dust under the table, and look towards the cloud this time. To keep costs under control I used 6 AWS Spot VMs, which by the way are effortless to provision using my PG Spot Operator utility.

  • CPU: 16 vCPU
  • RAM: 32 GB
  • Storage: c7g.4xlarge and c6g.4xlarge with EBS gp3 volumes (3k IOPS, throughput increased to 500 MBs), 3x c6gd.4xlarge with 950GB of fast local storage
  • Dataset: pgbench in-memory (scale=2000, 25GB) and 2x RAM (scale 5000, 63 GB)
  • Partitioning: pgbench --partitions=0|8
  • Query: Full scan aggregate: select bid, avg(abalance) from pgbench_accounts group by bid
  • Parallelism: max_parallel_workers_per_gather=2|4|8|16
  • Runtime: 8h per VM, 48h total (30min per scale / partitions / max_parallel_workers_per_gather / parallel_leader_participation combination)
  • Measuring: pg_stat_statements mean_exec_time

Full test scripts here:


Let’s let the summary numbers (SQL-s for analysing the results here) speak for themselves:

scale partitions mean_exec_time_s no_leader_participation_speedup_pct
2000 0 5 18.6
2000 8 6 20.0
2000 NULL 6 19.3
5000 0 362 -0.6
5000 8 308 -6.1
5000 NULL 335 -3.3
NULL NULL 170 8.0

Hmm, a mixed bag indeed as the documentation hints…on average it slows things down for our use case. But if to try conclude something - the target use case for disabling “parallel_leader_participation” seems to be larger-than-cache working sets + partitioned tables. In other cases we actually lose or are on the border of noise though, so some caution is required.

Also - when looking at more detailed results one could see that the improvement was slightly bigger for network disks with slower latencies compared to local SSD-s, so this might be an additional “target use case” factor.


There’s a reason why the “parallel_leader_participation” parameter is enabled by default - disabling it can actually make things slower! As we saw with the in-memory (<10s response times) aggregation results…

But - when dealing with out-of-RAM datasets and machines with higher max_workers_per_gather settings (>8), and especially when using partitions - one could easily get a small boost! With up to 11% observed on 1 out of 6 test VMs. And mind you - I only tested with a relatively small, half-cached dataset.

In the end not game-changing of course, but I think enough to give parallel_leader_participation an appreciative pat on the back now and then. I would not recommend to disable it globally still though, but rather per query or session for heavier analytics queries.

PS - feel free to contact me if need a bit of help with Postgres - I’ve put in my 20K+ hours with many Postgres-heavy top tier businesses in Europe so that you don’t have to re-invent the wheel